Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mastering a Skill Set

Do you ever wonder what in the world you're supposed to do for a living? Everyone always says that if you do what makes you happy, the money will come. But how do I know what will make me happy? Some even go so far as to ask the proverbial question: What would you do with a million dollars? And, inevitably, the answer is what you are supposed to do with your life. The problem is that if I had a million dollars, I'd put half in an interest bearing account and not touch it, pay off debt, then use the rest to invest in various projects or business ideas. Then, I would travel a lot, learn to sail, fly or bungee jump every bridge in America.

So where the heck does that leave me? What does that say I should do for a living?

I've even taken personality profiling tests that suggest job opportunities ( has a ton of neat tests - you should check it out) but they never really capture my attention. I ponder the idea of going back to school, becoming a lawyer or an engineer or both but I worry that I'd be bored half-way through. I can't see far enough ahead to commit to that type of education or training.

This brings me to the subject line of this post. I've never specialized in anything. I can do a whole lot of things OK but I can't really do anything fantastic. I'm mediocre at many sports but not a superstar at anything. I always felt that knowing a little about a lot is better because I can always hire/find/recruit a specialist but the specialist may never see the whole picture.... but I'm starting to question that philosophy.

When do you clamp down and commit to mastering a skill set, career or career path? And when do you find your calling? I know the harder I look the further I am from finding it.... but, I feel a bit lost.

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