Sunday, December 16, 2007

Recent Haiku Revelations

I've mentioned the book Crypto-Nomicon in previous posts and this epic novel of 1100 pages is a monster. In fact, it's fascinating. One of the main characters injects random haiku poetry throughout the novel. Considering this and a recent inspiration, I've decided to apply myself to the art of counting syllables. A traditional haiku is three lines and is constructed of 5 syllables on the first line, 7 on the second and 5 on the third.

The following is a series of haikus about my visit to Pittsburgh:

Tunnel thru mountain
Front door of city opens
three rivers converge.

Little big city
The former steel capital
Now title Pittsburgh

Walk briskly downtown
Before the bridge, on the left
Dance without blushing.

Go out of the Gateway
Around the hilton downtown
And pass the Highmark.

Lunch at Max Erma
Fun times had in Station Square,
Tiki and Fatheads.

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