Tuesday, April 17, 2007

VT follow-up

I feel compelled to add that I attended Virginia Tech for many years. This tragedy twists a pang of emotions in my belly that is impossible to describe. Two of the guys in my upcoming wedding party have little brothers that still attend the school. As the stories developed we frantically emailed each other with concern. Luckily, the people we know are safe. Unfortunately, the impact of the events will play out for many months to come.

The emotional attachment I have to this situation should embolden my previous post about exonerating Virginia Tech of culpability in this situation. I stand by my previous post that the responsibility for this event lies squarely on the shoulders of the GUNMAN and no one else.

The gunman who killed 30 people at Virginia Tech's Norris Hall before turning the gun on himself was student Cho Seung-hui, university police Chief Wendell Flinchum said Tuesday.

We cannot react to this event by locking down our universities. We cannot respond by creating an environment likened to a prison just for the sake of preventing a once in a zillion chance some wacko is going to kill everyone. These are issues that need to addressed proactively and I don't know what the steps are to do that but I do know we cannot sacrifice our liberties and the characters of our university system because of a single crazed lunatic.

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